All general Terms of Use applicable to The Block’s Websites and Services apply to The Block’s events (“Block Events”). Read our general Terms of Use and Privacy Policy carefully because, by visiting a Block Event website and/or participating in our Block Events you agree to all the terms contained therein, and are bound to them. The same applies to the additional Event Terms of Use that are described below.
Be sure you have read and that you understand all of our Terms of Use, including those described below, because they will all be binding upon you as soon as you begin using a Block Event website or attending one of our Block Events. Please also be sure you have read, and understand and accept our Privacy Policy. If you have questions email [email protected].
This conference provides a platform for content and information sharing among a group of interested individuals. Education are at the core of our business, and we want the time you spend with us to be valuable. Our goal is to create a safe environment for building relationships, free from judgment, harassment and discrimination.
Professional decorum is expected at all times during our events, and lack of decorum, determined at the sole discretion of The Block is a basis for participation to be terminated. At The Block’s discretion, future participation may also be curtailed. Lack of decorum includes, but is not limited to: hate speech, inflammatory statements, fraudulent or misleading conduct, foul language including racial or gender-based slurs, sexual solicitation, unlawful discriminatory conduct, overly aggressive behavior, and slanderous, libelous or defamatory statements. Thank you for understanding and cooperating with our conduct code.
We appreciate you being a part of our community and we look forward to advancing the bitcoin message together at our upcoming event.
You agree and acknowledge that you are participating in the Block Event and associated activities by choice and are fully aware that physical or other injury or loss might occur as a result of participation in the Block Event. You agree to assume all risk as well as full responsibility for yourself. You, and only you, are responsible for any and all injury, loss, or damage that results from participation in our events and you agree to hold harmless and waive all liability of The Block, it's associated entities, officers, contractors, employees, and agents. If you choose to participate in any activity that poses elevated risk, you may be asked to sign an additional waiver and/or for proof of age, parental permission, or other eligibility requirements. You may not participate in these activities without executing any required documentation releasing and holding harmless The Block from any and all liability, which you are choosing to assume. The Block is not responsible and you assume all risk for your personal or business property and you agree to hold The Block harmless in the event any personal or business property is damaged, stolen, or misplaced.
We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for all attendees. We do not tolerate harassment of event attendees, participants, sponsors or organizers from fellow attendees, participants, sponsors, organizers or other parties. Language and imagery that is abusive, violent and/or sexual is not appropriate at any conference venue.
Harassment includes but is not limited to offensive verbal comments about personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender, disability or religion; intimidation; following or stalking; abusive recording; disruption of conference events; inappropriate physical contact; and inappropriate attention. Participants asked to stop behavior deemed as harassment are expected to comply immediately.
Those found violating this anti-harassment policy may be expelled from the conference without a refund and at the discretion of the organizers. If you feel that you are being harassed, or notice that someone else is being harassed, during the conference, please contact a staff member or organizer immediately.
Nothing contained in the exhibits represents the views or opinions of The Block. The Block does not accept liability of any kind with respect to the exhibits or any product or service referred to in the exhibits.
You warrant that you fully understand that It may be necessary for reasons beyond our reasonable control (including, but not limited to, acts of God, severe weather, fire, explosion, terrorist acts or threats, any industrial action or widespread illness) to alter the advertised content, timing, schedule and/or location of the Event, or to cancel, reschedule or postpone a Block Event for any period of time at our discretion. We reserve the right to do this at any time up to and including the day of the Block Event, and we will not be liable to you for any cost, expenses, or loss of any kind incurred by you as a result (including, without limitation, registration, travel and accommodation expenses).
The Block is not liable and will not issue refunds or in any way, financial or otherwise, compensate for our failure to perform under our obligations when that failure is the direct or indirect result of force majeure or any circumstances beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, natural or artificial disaster, fire, flood, pandemic or other health risk, Acts of God, war, government authority or regulations, terrorism, labor disputes, strikes other than those of the seller or its suppliers, civil disorder, insurrection, communication line failures, power failures, curtailment of transportation, or other similar cause or threat making it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible to perform to hold any part of the Block Event or provide the facility.
You acknowledge and understand that our Block Events are for informational and educational purposes only. Content will be disclaimed so as not to be construed as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing contained in the conference presentations constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by The Block or any of its inhouse or third party speakers, service providers and platforms, to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments in the United States or any other jurisdiction in which such solicitation or offer would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdictions.
You, your successors and assigns release Block Bond Holdings, Inc. and all other affiliated entities, and our officers, employees, agents, contractors and assigns from any and all claims you may have against us arising out of, or related to the Block Event, including, but not limited to: loss, theft, damage, delay or non-delivery; any injury to you, your employees, agents, representatives or guests while on Event premises; failure to hold the Block Event as scheduled; or any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages. The Block’s aggregate liability to you in respect of all losses, liabilities or damage suffered by you arising out of or in connection with these Event Terms of Use or your attendance at the Block Event will not exceed the value of registration cost. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Block and its affiliated companies from any and all damage, loss, liability, claim or expense (including legal fees) arising out of, or in connection with: (1) the violation of any law or ordinance by you, your employees, agents, representatives, guests, or others; (2) damages to property or personal injury caused by you, your employees, agents, representatives or guests while in the show premises; and (3) your presence in and use of the show premises.
All marketing and promotional activity at the Block Event requires permission of The Block. This includes but is not limited to giving away and receiving flyers and other free information, giving away and receiving physical product of any kind, contests and contest participation, and/or promotional branding. You agree not to engage in such activity and agree that The Block has full authority to remove you from the Block Event, temporarily or permanently, should you violate these terms.
The Block does not place restrictions on your photographing, filming, recording, or otherwise documenting our events. However, by participating in the Block Event, you understand and agree that you do not have a license to reproduce any event content, including but not limited to our registered trademarked and copyrighted content, speaker and sponsor content, graphics, signage, products and services and that you are strictly prohibited from doing so for any purpose other than personal use, for which you agree to provide credit to our event as source. The Block retains the rights to all other usage. Remember all personal use is subject to our code of conduct and social media policies, which we strictly enforce. Note also, that by personally recording or distributing any content from our events, you warrant that you understand and agree you may be infringing upon one or more third parties' rights in reproducing or distributing photos or other content without express written permission, release, or license. You also understand and agree that you may be recorded or photographed as a result of your attendance at this event, as is the case with any event open to the public. Your attendance is your choice and The Block is not responsible for your appearance in any third party photographs, social media posts, video, or other recorded media, nor are we responsible or liable in any way for any such content resulting from your attendance, including content which you may find offensive or harmful. You agree to hold The Block harmless and assume all risk of any appearance by or depiction of yourself by third parties that results from your voluntary attendance at our event(s).
We do not offer ticket refunds. All sales are final. No refunds will be issued on account of denied travel visas. You assume all risks associated with a travel visa being declined, not received in time for the event, or all other travel or visa related issues preventing attendance.
If you are participating in an auction event at one of our Block Events, you agree to read carefully and comply with the terms posted on the relevant auction’s registration page(s). If you participate in a sponsor contest or giveaway at one of our events, be advised that such contests are not the responsibility of The Block, whose role is solely as event organizer. The Block is not liable nor responsible in any way for the compliance of any contest or giveaway with applicable law, and that by participating you assume in your sole discretion all risk and liability of participation.